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Writer's pictureShashank Mittal

7 Keys to Success

I was listening to a podcast the other day. It was a Real Estate podcast and the guest was a former NFL player who had transitioned to Real Estate Investing. The guest was sharing his journey from a successful NFL player to a successful Real Estate Investor and how he was

able to replicate his success in NFL to Real Estate. He said he was successful in NFL despite being not the fastest or the strongest because of his sheer diligence, hard work, and consistency. When he transitioned to Real Estate, he had no experience or connections. Despite being not the best, he was able to succeed in Real Estate as well because of the same principles that made him successful in NFL. Consistency, Hard Work, and Diligence. Showing up day after day. Rinse and Repeat. Learn from your mistakes.

This is such an extraordinary statement. I paused the podcast and thought about it for a while. This principle applies to winning anything in life. Not just NFL or Real Estate. Talent alone can take you only so far. However, consistency, hard work, and diligence can take you to extraordinary heights of success and triumph. We all yearn for success and triumph, but what does it truly take to win in life?

In this blog, we will explore the essential ingredients for achieving victory and navigating the journey toward personal fulfillment. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock the secrets of winning in life!

1. Define Your Why?

The first step towards winning in life is to define what winning means to you. In other words, look within and find your why? What motivates you and why? Why do you want to win and what does it look like? It's not a simple answer, "Winning means being rich or wealthy". It has to be deeper than that. Something that resonates with you emotionally. What are my long-term goals 5 years or 10 years from now? If you know your destination, you can figure out the path to get you there. Some examples might be:

Winning might mean traveling whenever you want without worrying about money

Winning might mean choosing when to work and not to work without trading your time for money

Winning might mean being able to spend quality time with your family and waking up on a beach on a weekday.

2. Set SMART Goals

SMART stands for

Specific- What action do you need to take?

Measurable- How will you measure your progress?

Achievable- Do you have the resources or tools to achieve it? Is the goal realistic and attainable? For example, an unrealistic goal is to have 6-pack abs in one month. But a reasonable goal would be giving yourself ample time.

Relevant- How is it relevant for long-term goals?

Time-bound- What is your timeline to complete this goal?

Let's look at a simple example. If you want to have 6-pack abs, what will a SMART goal look like?

Specific- I will start going to the gym and eating healthy food.

Measurable- I will go to the gym 5 times a week and cook at home every week.

Achievable- I have paid for a local gym membership and started buying more groceries.

Relevant- Going to the gym and cooking more at home will help me improve my overall health and fitness.

Time-bound- I want to have 6-pack abs in one year.

The above example is a simple example of a SMART goal. Similarly, once you have defined your vision, you can set meaningful goals that align with your why and help you reach your destination. Goals provide direction and purpose in our lives. Also, SMART goals help you stay motivated, disciplined, and focused. Remember, each small victory brings you closer to the ultimate win.

3. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Winning in life requires an abundance mindset—the belief that you can continuously learn, develop, and improve. Think of challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for growth. Cultivate a hunger for knowledge and seek out new experiences. Understand that setbacks and failures are not the end but valuable lessons that propel you forward. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

4. Learn from Failure and Adapt

It is imperative to believe that you never lose. Either you learn or you win. Success is not fast-paced or achieved overnight. The path to success is boring, achieved through consistent small steps performed repeatedly over a long period of time. And it is filled with many failures. Failure is nothing but the stepping stone to success. When you fail, you don't lose. You gain valuable experience and learn to not repeat the same mistakes on your path to success. But the secret ingredient to success is relentless, consistent hard work.

5. Take Consistent Action

Some wise person said, "Knowledge is Power". However, this statement is incomplete. Knowledge coupled with Consistent Action is Power. You cannot be successful by reading the books alone. You have to take action, apply the strategies in the books in the real world, fail, learn, adapt, grow, and succeed. Consistency is the fuel that drives us toward victory. Take consistent action towards your goals, even when motivation wanes or challenges arise. Discipline yourself to show up every day, putting in the effort required to succeed. Break tasks into manageable chunks, create a routine and hold yourself accountable.

6. Build a Supportive Network

It is said that you are what you eat. Meaning if you are healthy and fit, chances are you eat a balanced and nutritious diet. You can't expect to be healthy on a diet of soda and chips. Similarly, you are the sum of the top 5 people you spend your time with.

If you surround yourself with people who procrastinate, you will find yourself procrastinating as well.

If your friends are always talking about spending, partying, and gossiping, then you will find yourself doing the same.

If your circle is not discussing money, investing, ideas, businesses, etc. then it is time for you to change your circle and spend your time with like-minded individuals. No one can win in life alone. Surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who uplift and inspire you. Seek mentors who have achieved what you aspire to accomplish. Engage in meaningful connections and collaborations. Remember, a strong support system not only provides guidance and encouragement but also helps you navigate through tough times.

7. Practice Gratitude and Enjoy the Process

You cannot reach your destination if you are not thankful for today. How you manage today will directly affect your future. The actions you take today, and the decisions you make today, will determine your future 5 years or 10 years from now. And the decisions you took 5 years ago brought you where you are today. It is not the destination but the journey that matters. Practice gratitude in small things in life, be thankful for the air that you breathe, the food you eat, and the family that you have. Find joy and fulfillment in the journey. Appreciate the small victories and celebrate milestones along the way.


Winning in life is a deeply personal and multifaceted endeavor. It requires defining your vision, setting meaningful goals, embracing a growth mindset, taking consistent action, building a supportive network, learning from failure, and finding joy in the process. Remember, winning is not limited to external achievements but is also about personal growth and fulfillment. The secret to winning and success is consistency, discipline, and hard work.

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